The Breakout Art Group, IWA, Athy – Ceramics.
The group has been meeting online and would like to have an online exhibition again as they did last year. However, this time they wondered about the possibility of recording their voices over the exhibition and also how they might tell the story of their group. The group is also developing a web-site which might be launched during the ALF week.
ShareRing Skills, Celbridge – Resilience and Sustainability
Had completed a range of sessions with Cecilia before Christmas and starting part two with Patty on Jan, 28th.This will involve learning some movement and dance sequences and perhaps these could be recorded in some way.
Monasterevin, Knit and Knatter – Willow Weaving
Have been doing Willow Weaving over the Autumn and Winter. However they had a break before Christmas and in January. And now feel like they are preparing for emergence and coming out of COVID. They hope to regroup in early Feb and work through on their baskets whilst continuing to explore different pathways. They have a medium-term plan to develop a living willow sculpture in a public space in Monasterevin and are considering having a public facing workshop outdoors in that garden during the ALF week to highlight what they have accomplished and introduce the community to their living willow project.
Curragh Pride FRC – Horticulture
The group has been working with their tutor in the Garden at the Curragh Pride FRC over the winter and exploring the different spaces and opportunities in the Garden. They are considering the renewal of an old raspberry plantation and have also been introduced to a learners reflection journal. The group hopes to restart after Christmas on Feb 4th and will start to explore how they might engage with the ALF week.
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