FOUR adult learner groups in Co. Kildare are eagerly looking forward to taking part in the ‘Stories of Renewal’ online Adult Learners’ Festival event on Thursday 10 March at 11am.
The Breakout Art Group with some Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) members in Athy, the Horticulture group at the Curragh Family Resource Centre, Knit and Knatter in Monasterevin, and Celbridge Sharing Skills have been exploring community education over the last 15 weeks.
These groups have been working on their own and together and they are now ready to share that learning. Admission to the online celebration is free but registration is essential at
It’s all part of the national AONTAS Adult Learner Festival supported by KWETB, Community Education – Kildare. This year the theme of the festival in Kildare, ‘Stories of Renewal’, addresses the emergence from the pandemic but also personal and collective experiences of renewal in life and nature.